way to go random guy in the Circuit City parking lot

While this post is technically for Works for me Wednesday, hosted over at Rocks in my Dryer I must admit that I’ve not tried this yet, and I didn’t even see it happen. This comes courtesy of my brother-in-law, Javier.

So apparently, every day when Javier drives to work he notices that the sprinklers around the Circuit City parking lot are set poorly and a large part of the parking lot gets pelted with water.  Now in these days of ecomnomic challenges and water shortages (at least in our area) this is a pretty bad practice. However, today was different… as Javier drove by he noticed a car parked in the area covered by the wayward sprinkler and a man, with soap and a rag, washing his car! I LOVE it! I certainly don’t know this guy’s situation but he is doing a great thing on many fronts: 1) he is putting a wasted resource to good use, 2) he is conserving excess water usage in a time of drought, 3) he isn’t spending money on a car wash, 4) he is providing a level of amusement and curiosity to those driving on their way to work. (I SO wish I had a picture to post of this… I’ll blame that on Javier though!)

So… keep your eyes open… find the wayward sprinklers in your area… and get to washin’.  This is definitely an idea that could work for me! Check out more tips here.

3 Responses

  1. LOL! I will keep an eye out…

  2. Thanks for the smile! I’ll be looking for a sprinkler.

  3. This is so great! I hope that man is so blessed by using resources our Father has provided! Thanks for sharing this, it is funny and somehow very touching.

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